[Classifieds] [classifieds] Darwin in Malibu

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Mon Oct 5 18:47:22 EDT 2009

Announcing the play, DARWIN IN MALIBU at the Coutit Center for the Arts 
on Route 28. Performances are at 8p Friday and Saturday and 2p on 
Sunday from Oct 2 to Oct 25.  See attached play poster for details. 
DARWIN IN MALIBU "takes a humorous yet incisive look at the evolution 
debates more than a century on....Picture Darwin relaxing on the beach 
with a lovely young woman, suddenly faced with Huxley and Wilberforce 
still debating". The play has adult language and content, so the Center 
offers an art workshop for children ages 6-10 during the Sunday 
matinee. Sunday matinees also feature a 'talk back' session with the 
cast and director after the performance. Tickets can be reserved in 
advance or purchased at the door. 

Anne E. Thessen, Ph.D. 
Encyclopedia of Life 
International Census of Marine Microbes 
Marine Biological Laboratory 
7 MBL St 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 
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