[Classifieds] [classifieds] Little white poodle on the loose

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Wed Oct 7 11:20:55 EDT 2009

There is a small older white poodle running around the yard of 63 School 
street, where I am renting. 

The poodle is wearing silly little orange Halloween Jacket and the two 
dogs next door at 59 School Street, who have not escaped, are wearing the matching 
outfits. No, I have not been drinking.....it is too early for that. 

So, I assume the little poodle belongs with these other two dogs at 59 
School Street. 

If anyone knows the owner, or knows who lives at 59 School Street, 
let them know one of their dogs has escaped and is "watering" my yard. 

Adair < adair at sutter.com> 
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