[Classifieds] [classifieds] AAII CC Meeting next week - Announcement

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Thu Mar 31 15:56:38 EDT 2011

From: "phil forte" <pforte at whoi.edu> 

AAII Cape Cod Chapter Meeting Announcement 

What: Getting Started with Independent Investing 

When: Wednesday, April 6 , 7:00 to 9:00 PM 

Where: Falmouth Public Library , (special venue) 

300 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 

Take Rt. 28 to Falmouth, turn left on Katherine Lee Bates Road, go until you see the library. The Bay Room is located on the basement floor of the Library. Please enter using the door to the right of the Library's rear entrance. 

Who: Marinna Martini will lead a panel and round table discussion with our AAII CC members and new people getting started in investing. Marinna has been an AAII member for 20 years. 

Expect: This forum should... 

For new attendees... 

- Present things to consider as a beginning investor. 

- Provide a variety of investing experiences from ourselves how we got started, where we get our information, why we think it is important to be independent. 

- We hope to show that there are many ways to successfully approach investing. 

For ourselves... 

- To learn from our discussion with the younger attendees ways to approach our children and grandchildren about investing. 

- Learn learn what those new to investing think about taxes, social security, the market, pensions, and retirees. 

- Help present a strong case for self determination, education, and participation to the next generation of investors. 

Level: Beginner / Intermediate 

Attendees with little experience meet with experienced investors to share concerns and knowledge. 

Bring: To get the most from this session ... 

Prepare to... 

- Bring an interesting anecdote or salient lesson from your investing experience. 

- Ask questions of yourself that someone new to investing might want to know. 

- Come with any data or references which support the importance of individual investing. 

- Be prepared to welcome potential new members for our group. 

Cost: No charge for this session. 

Guests are always welcome, so bring a friend! 

After the meeting all are encouraged to meet at Liam Maguire's , special venue across from the library, for refreshments and socializing -- a great way to finish the evening. 

John Chamberlain ( chamberjh at gmail.com ; 302-236-8202) 

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