[Classifieds] Tuesday, 4/12 Waquoit Bay Reserve Webinar - Measuring Carbon in our Coastal Waters

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Mon Apr 11 08:45:38 EDT 2022

Tuesday, 4/12 Waquoit Bay Reserve Webinar - Measuring Carbon in our Coastal Waters

n Us Tuesday at 6:30PM


Research at the Reserve

Home Edition







Registration required: a zoom link will be sent to you before the presentation.

Sign Language Interpreters available upon request.

Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30PM

Join us from the comfort of your home for an informal evening learning about innovative research happening around Waquoit Bay.

Each session you will meet a local scientist who will share how they do their research, what they are discovering, and how it applies to today’s issues. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.

Brew up a hot drink, settle down into your favorite armchair and join us to learn something new.






Measuring Carbon in Our Coastal Waters

What happens to the CO2 that we release into the atmosphere and how do we know?

Tuesday, April 12

About 30% of the CO2 that we release by burning fossil fuels is taken up by the oceans. This drives a decrease in seawater pH, called Ocean Acidification, that may have a variety of impacts on marine ecosystems. Coastal acidification also impacts estuaries, the organisms that live within them, and the humans that depend on them. We track CO2 by bottling water samples and measuring them in the lab or by using a variety of ocean sensors-- some of which are developed and tested here in Waquoit Bay. Join us to learn about how and why we study carbon in the oceans, and to learn about some of the challenges in building oceanographic sensors

Mallory Ringham, Ph.D., MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Chemical Oceanography

Questions? Contact joan.muller at mass.gov<mailto:joan.muller at mass.gov>

Visit our website<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__https%3A%2Fr20.rs6.net%2Ftn.jsp%3Ff%3D001fv7TttShdNNrGa-lbhnNn1ilqfRbDysYXFmkzIa6ZXakbsh_iJsX_onn-c6G7zJzl3n975xIIIHuzMrd2D3Q_YudOrz6YpgyyNqIMq9I0d8D1pOvPaA91aSVCTMGhWasx7hIMJTuiCMrZd5RK9209A%3D%3D%26c%3DoOd1mcImqhjEowasDTYpWFQIYyZDJoR94zkR3WXLXyc0zEjJXE6ACg%3D%3D%26ch%3DcuSyBi2U8-JVqatjRrhQUfnmf9AEBMosqmo5YZeR_nQ-OlLJarkOOg%3D%3D__%3B!!CUhgQOZqV7M!3sf6-FXKg4OcptoXoA0m-2XBjp36X0zkJbgbkhf53qFpqCoLoN4W28au8ZxyNuUG90UOrg%24&data=04%7C01%7Csemco%40whoi.edu%7C1ae394ff9ed7475d65e508da1bb67352%7Cd44c5cc6d18c46cc8abd4fdf5b6e5944%7C0%7C0%7C637852767862630700%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=FOWxL%2B15%2BHnLHtA9OFk6Ev9%2BUYnKc%2BNBiieGO4JNzow%3D&reserved=0>


Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Friends of the Waquoit Bay Reserve

MA Department of Conservation & Recreation

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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