[Classifieds] Pre-Proposal: RTE Compliance Coordination & Monitoring

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Wed Jun 28 08:23:05 EDT 2023

Herring River Restoration Project
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species - Compliance Coordination &

Friends of Herring River, Wellfleet/Truro, Inc. (“FHR”), a 501(c)(3)
non-profit corporation that supports the Herring River Restoration Project
(“Project”) under the guidance of a multi-agency group, is seeking
PRE-PROPOSAL expressions of interest and qualifications from any
individual, non-profit entity or consulting firm capable of providing the
services and consultations described below in a timely and cost-effective

1.  Establish and coordinate a comprehensive plan for monitoring and
reporting on rare, threatened, and endangered (“RTE”) species potentially
affected by the Project, from the construction phase through and beyond
full restoration of tidal exchange.

2.  Conduct the field work of monitoring RTE species in compliance with
the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act and U.S. Endangered Species Act.

includes Project information, an overview of services needed, a link to
the Herring River Restoration Project Habitat Restoration & Monitoring
Plan and more.

Note:  There are 2 (two) scopes of work referenced within this
pre-proposal request; the pre-proposal Response should clearly indicate
interest in conducting both components or specify which of the two.

Responses are due by 5 p.m. on July 10, 2023, via e-mail to
rfp at herringriver.org.

To see the RTE Pre-proposal, go to

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Christine Odiaga | Friends of Herring River | cell (508) 945-3283
| http://www.herringriver.org/

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