[Physiofaculty] Softball

Daniel Gau danieljgau at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 16:48:07 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone!

Right now I'm coordinating the softball game for this Saturday and there
are certain rules we have to abide by, specifically:

1.) Every 3rd batter has to be female
2.) There has to be a 5/6 - female/male ratio out of 11. Meaning there
needs to be 5 females and 6 males on the field at one time.

Everyone is welcome to play but if you don't want to play there's no
pressure! We would love a great cheering section! I want to make sure
everyone has a chance to play and hit the ball! So please let me know if
you want to play! There is a sign-up sheet in our course kitchen. Thanks!

Daniel Gau
Physio Course Assistant
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