[Physiofaculty] Physio Announcements for This Weekend (July 18 & 19)

Daniel Gau danieljgau at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 15:43:34 EDT 2015

Hi everyone!

This weekend is going to be incredibly busy so I just want to make sure
everyone gets the details they needed!

1.) *Course T-Shirts*
 Continue to fill out the t-shirt spreadsheet. If you see someone from your
lab who hasn't filled it out please get in touch with them so they can get
the color and size they want. If you don't get in touch with them, please
make a guess.

*I will be making the order tomorrow so if there are blank spots I will
just guess on a size and color. *

2.) *End of Session 2 Party - Saturday, July 18th 2015*
We will be having an End of Session 2 party Saturday night on the *Loeb
Quad* from *9PM to 11PM*. After, the students will be going to the Landfall
Bar where we will have a section in the venue dedicated to us! Cheers!

3.) *Tarpaulin Cove*
If you are going on the first boat please be at the *MBL Dock* (Across from
Lillie Auditorium) at *8:45AM*. If you are going on the second boat please
be at the *MBL Dock* at *10AM*. Can't wait!

Thanks everyone for their continued patience!

Daniel Gau
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