[PhysioStudents] T-Shirt Design

King, Matthew R. mrking at Princeton.EDU
Thu Jul 6 00:15:55 EDT 2017

Hey all,

Unfortunately our ambitious design plan is coming up against some serious impediments. It turns out we are purchasing from a local vendor that only accepts 2D sketches in a single color - think white lines on a dark colored shirt (or the inverse). Also, the design is due by tomorrow.  

I am attaching my very cursory (and very sad) attempts at the original design. The issue is that converting photos to black and white gives a shitty image.  So, images need to be 'hand-drawn' or computer drawn 2D shapes.  I attempted this with the Sea Urchin Death star, but that is the extent of my skill.

My suggestion is the we convene after the sweat box tomorrow to decide how to proceed.
Initial ideas are:
Get a team of illistrators to gerneate a hybrid hand/computer drawn image from the existing template
Scrape the ambitious design and scribble something simple.

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