[Xenopus] To send to the Xenopus community
Robert, Jacques
Jacques_Robert at URMC.Rochester.edu
Tue Nov 30 11:21:54 EST 2021
I would appreciate if one could send the text below to the whole Xenopus community.
Thank you,
Jacques Robert
Hello everyone,
As Director to the Xenopus laevis research resource for immunobiology (XLRRI), I am reaching out to all of you because the XLRRI is up for its fifth competing renewal in the end of January 2022. For almost 20 years, thanks to NIH/NIAID funding, the XLRRI has continued to safeguard, promote and develop X. laevis as an experimental organism relevant for fundamental and medical immunology.
For this competing renewal application it is very important to get your support in form of letters, citations or recognition in publications, posters or during any other types presentations by team leaders and students. So, I would greatly appreciate if you could email me letters and other useful information at (Jacques_Robert at URMC.Rochester.edu<mailto:Jacques_Robert at URMC.Rochester.edu>), ideally by early January 10, 2022, although I would be happy to receive it sooner! A letter template with details of what to include in the letter of support is provided below.
Thank you for your help,
Template Letter, XLRRI Renewal:
RE: letter of support for the competing NIH renewal proposal R24 AI059830 entitled: “A Xenopus laevis research resource for immunobiology” (XLRRI)
Dear Dr. Robert,
* Express your support for the Xenopus laevis research resource for immunobiology (XLRRI) renewal.
* Briefly, describe your research (listing previous and current grants, notably NIH).
* Explain how important is XLRRI to your research.
* Describe which features of XLRRI that your lab uses (e.g., monoclonal antibodies, plasmids, constructs, protocols, new methodologies, technical assistance, training that has benefited (and will benefit) your research project.
* Finally, explain how your research would be impacted if XLRRI ceased to exist.
* If you are not using Xenopus in your research, you can indicate that if such a Xenopusfacility continue to be available, you might consider extending (or beginning) research with Xenopus.
* You might even think in terms of specific questions you would ask, or problems you might address, if the biological material were readily made available.
End of the text
Jacques ROBERT, Ph. D. He/him/his
Professor & Interim Chair, Microbiology & Immunology
Professor, Environmental Medicine
Director of the Xenopus laevis Research Resource for Immunobiology
Program Director of the BS/MS IMV graduate program
Undergraduate Track Coordinator and Advisor for the BMB Concentration, UPBM
University of Rochester, Medical Center
Box 672, Room 2-11124, MRBX
Rochester, NY 14642, USA
Phone: office: (585) 275-1722; lab: (585) 275-5359
Email: Jacques_robert at urmc.rochester.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__x-2Dmsg-3A__1792_Jacques-5Frobert-40urmc.rochester.edu&d=AAMF-g&c=4sF48jRmVAe_CH-k9mXYXEGfSnM3bY53YSKuLUQRxhA&r=2JaCEt3mneG2boH2uBtt2czP8V4-1REsQptNpn4znv8aPchkdecnCTOsh_RMKMwP&m=P1utX4-Q79hPgk3OdbhAmCuQqCZ1LteAKmEuORhDHd8&s=UD-PhSNsuM0rHMYpXF0_K67SpYDsn-S-CjJQgatz72A&e=>
Faculty profile: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/22613172-jacques-robert
Lab site: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/labs/robert-lab/
Xenopus laevis Resource for Immunobiology:
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