[Xenopus] 3th European Amphibian Club - Special call to PhD students

Kris Vleminckx kris.vleminckx at irc.ugent.be
Wed May 11 08:31:23 EDT 2022

We are very excited to inform you that the registration fee for PhD 
students stays at 130€ until the 3rd of June!!

With rooms available at the meeting venue for just 50€/night, total cost 
for a student can be as low as 280 €!! (*all *meals/drinks and 
conference dinner included)!

Spread the word !!

Kris Vleminckx (on behalf of all co-organizers)

Kris Vleminckx, PhD
Ghent University
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology
Technologiepark 71
9052 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 33 13 760
Email:Kris.Vleminckx at irc.ugent.be
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