[Xenopus] Xenopus Mutant Resource Renewal

Rankin, Scott Scott.Rankin at cchmc.org
Fri Aug 9 10:57:36 EDT 2024

Great News Marko and entire NXR team! Congrats!

Scott Rankin
Institutional Investigator - Zorn Lab
Division of Developmental Biology / Location R3.032
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
240 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati OH 45229
direct cell: 513-255-7700
lab phone: 513-636-8131
From: xenopus-bounces at lists.mbl.edu <xenopus-bounces at lists.mbl.edu> on behalf of Robert, Jacques <Jacques_Robert at urmc.rochester.edu>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 10:45 AM
To: National Xenopus Resource <xenopus at mbl.edu>; xenopus at lists.mbl.edu <xenopus at lists.mbl.edu>
Subject: Re: [Xenopus] Xenopus Mutant Resource Renewal

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Congratulations Marko. Great work.


Jacques ROBERT, Ph. D. He/him/his

Albert & Phyllis Ritterson Professor and Chair of

Microbiology & Immunology,

Professor of Environmental Medicine,
Director of the Xenopus laevis Research Resource for Immunobiology

University of Rochester, Medical Center
Box 672, Room 2-11124, MRBX
Rochester, NY 14642, USA
Phone: office: (585) 275-1722; lab: (585) 275-5359
Email: Jacques_robert at urmc.rochester.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__x-2Dmsg-3A__1792_Jacques-5Frobert-40urmc.rochester.edu&d=AAMF-g&c=4sF48jRmVAe_CH-k9mXYXEGfSnM3bY53YSKuLUQRxhA&r=2JaCEt3mneG2boH2uBtt2czP8V4-1REsQptNpn4znv8aPchkdecnCTOsh_RMKMwP&m=P1utX4-Q79hPgk3OdbhAmCuQqCZ1LteAKmEuORhDHd8&s=UD-PhSNsuM0rHMYpXF0_K67SpYDsn-S-CjJQgatz72A&e=>

Faculty profile: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/22613172-jacques-robert

Lab Website: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/labs/robert-lab/

Xenopus laevis Resource for Immunobiology:


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From: xenopus-bounces at lists.mbl.edu <xenopus-bounces at lists.mbl.edu> on behalf of National Xenopus Resource <xenopus at mbl.edu>
Date: Friday, August 9, 2024 at 9:46 AM
To: xenopus at lists.mbl.edu <xenopus at lists.mbl.edu>
Subject: [EXT] [Xenopus] Xenopus Mutant Resource Renewal

Hello Xenopus researchers

          I am pleased to announce that the R24 grant for the Xenopus Mutant Resource was renewed. What does this mean to you? Well one thing is that if you want to come to MBL/NXR and do some work for a few weeks or longer housing is free. Yep, the grant pays for a cottage, and you can take advantage of having as many frogs as you like. Plus, you will have an RA helping you when you come. So, if you have a grad student/postdoc who wants to make a mutant then send them here and they will have one made and we will do the husbandry. That person will be shown how to design guides and navigate the whole process of making a mutant. Second, if you contact us and request a mutant we can make it for you. I will assign an RA to work on your mutant and you will have regular contact with them. You can come and work on transgenics/mutants whatever you like, and we will support you. The cottage is 2 bedrooms with 4 beds so it can accommodate more than 1 person. Right now cottage is available Sep 1-19, Nov 17- Jan 31 and then Mar 1-May 31, July 7-31 and then from Sept 1 onwards in 2025.

          This is a 4-year grant and I welcome any comments from the community since it is a grant for the community. But we need you to take advantage of this otherwise we might not have these funds in 4 years. I need input from all of you. If you have any questions or comments, please email me. We are here to help

We look forward to hosting you



Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Senior Scientist, Bell Center for Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Email: mhorb at mbl.edu<mailto:mhorb at mbl.edu>
Office: 508-289-7627
Lab:    508-289-7370
Cell:   508-564-3764


If the NXR contributed to your work please acknowledge us in your publications and talks.

Cite us in Materials and Methods as National Xenopus Resource RRID:SCR_013731 at the Marine Biological Laboratory and in the Acknowledgements you can just mention the National Xenopus Resource.

Cite us in your references: Horb M. et. al. (2019). Xenopus resources: transgenic, inbred and mutant animals, training opportunities, and web-based support. Front Physiol. 10:387. PMCID: PMC6497014

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