[Classifieds] [classifieds] Films at the Woods Hole Public Library

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Thu Dec 17 11:33:39 EST 2009

Event: Movie Night at the Woods Hole Public Library 

Date/Time: Monday, January 11, 7 PM 


The Woods Hole Public Library’s winter film series for adults moves into the new year with one of the most popular movies of the past year, to be shown on Monday January 11. The film series is dedicated to bringing interesting new films to the local audience on the second Monday of every month through the winter, at 7 PM. Films will be shown on the big screen in the Library’s comfortable handicapped-accessible meeting room. The event is free and open to the public. 

All the films in this series are new and the Library has bought a special license for public viewing. However, under the terms of that contract, the library cannot actually divulge the title of any of the films in advertising them! So, in order to have some fun with this requirement, clues will be given and riddles will be posed: The first feature of the new year has received rave reviews, especially from fans of Meryl Streep. It has even been credited with a renaissance in interest in French cooking! Not enough hints? Then, add this one: it is based on the chef of the longest running PBS cooking show. 

If you still can’t guess the title, you may telephone the Library to inquire. The license does allow the title to be given out in response to a direct question. 508-548-8961. 

Family Films at the Woods Hole Public Library 

Saturday, January 2 

3 PM 


As part of its new winter film series, the Woods Hole Public Library will be offering a series of family films every Saturday afternoon at 3 PM. Most of the films will be new releases. The first film of 2010 will be shown on January 2 and is a funny animation of a dog who befriends a cat and a hamster. 

The Library has bought a special license for public viewing. However, under the terms of that contract, the library cannot actually divulge the title of any of the films in advertising them! So, in order to have some fun with this requirement, clues will be given and riddles will be posed: 

The single word title of this film begins with B and rhymes with the word that describes what happens to birds’ feathers every year when the old feathers fall out and new ones grow in. The word also is the name of a metal piece like a large screw. 

If you need more clues, or would just like to be told the title, just call the Library at 508-548-8961 or email the Library at whpl_mail at clamsnet.org The license does allow the title to be told in response to a personal question! 

All films are free and open to the public. 

Family Films at the Woods Hole Public Library 

Saturday January 9, 3 PM 


As part of its winter film series, the Woods Hole Public Library will be offering a series of family films every Saturday afternoon at 3 PM. The next film will be on Saturday January 9 at 3 PM.. 

The Library has bought a special license for public viewing. However, under the terms of that contract, the library cannot actually divulge the title of any of the films in advertising them! So, in order to have some fun with this requirement, clues will be given and riddles will be posed: This film is also an animation, as have been the previous two children’s films. This one features a make-believe place called Monstropolis, where horrible creatures live, using a very surprising source of alternative energy. These creatures are terrified by humans, and are scared silly when a little two-year old girl wanders into their world. Clues to the title: 2 words, the first is the term for these creatures, the second is the abbreviation for “incorporated” that rhymes with “stink”. 

If you need more clues, or would just like to be told the title, just call the Library at 508-548-8961 or email the Library at whpl_mail at clamsnet.org The license does allow the title to be told in response to a personal question! 

All films are free and open to the public. 

Jennifer S. Gaines 
Woods Hole Public Library 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 

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