[Classifieds] [classifieds] Press Release: VIPS Mentor Meeting

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Thu Nov 1 16:53:06 EDT 2012

From: "Drawde Geishecker" <dgeishecker at falmouth.k12.ma.us> 

Press Release : Falmouth Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) 
For Immediate Release: 1 November 2012 

Contact: Tracey Crago, VIPS Director, (508) 548-1621, tcrago at falmouth.k12.ma.us 

VIPS Mentor Meeting—New Volunteers Welcome 

On Wednesday, November 7 th , Falmouth Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) will hold a workshop for adult mentors and those interested in learning more about mentoring, at the Lawrence School at 5:30 p.m. The workshop will feature creative ideas for engaging student mentees using hands-on, interactive activities. The session will be presented by Patt Dietlin , a guidance counselor at the Lawrence School. These meetings are open to new volunteers as well as veteran mentors. The meeting will last approximately one hour. In addition to the workshop, there will be a brief introduction to school-based mentoring in Falmouth Public Schools as well as an opportunity to meet veteran mentors and the program coordinator, Sharon Sodekson. 

Volunteer mentors are always needed! At the elementary and middle school levels, students are selected to participate in Project RISE by teachers, school adjustment counselors, or parents who believe that these students would benefit from having a caring adult as a friend. Each year, students in need of a mentor are left unmatched because we do not have enough mentors. By spending one hour each week with a child in a one-on-one, trusting relationship, a mentor can change the direction that child takes in his or her life. 

Mentors are also needed at the high school for students who may be having difficulty adjusting to the high school environment where they are faced with many difficult challenges and decisions. By spending one hour a week in friendly conversation with the student, a mentor can help the student deal with the many pressures teens encounter. 

The strength of the mentor—mentee relationship gives the student the tools he or she may need to become more self-assured and able to withstand adverse peer pressure. Students involved in school-based mentoring programs found they: enjoyed spending time with their mentors; could count on their mentors; learned new things; participated in a variety of experiences; and wanted to continue in the program. Mentors noted that they: enjoyed being with their mentees; had learned from their mentees; and believed that mentees had obtained new information regarding careers, higher education, and problem-solving techniques. 

Mentoring is rewarding! There are students waiting for a mentor friend at all grade levels. Anyone who is interested in learning more about mentoring through these VIPS programs is welcome at the meetings. New mentors are provided training prior to starting and throughout the school year . For more information, or to RSVP for either meeting, contact the VIPS office at (508) 548-1621 or by e-mail at vips at falmouth.k12.ma.us . 

Falmouth VIPS, 874 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540 (508) 548-1621 www.falmouthvips.org vips at falmouth.k12.ma.us 

Drawde Geishecker 
VIPS Secretary 
874 Gifford Street, Falmouth MA 02540 
(508) 548-1621 or (508) 540-2200 x4055 


Andrea Early 
Communications Director 
Marine Biological Laboratory 
7 MBL Street 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 
aearly at mbl.edu 
Twitter: @MBLScience 
Blog: http://blog.mbl.edu/ 
Video: http://bit.ly/wxTncX 

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