MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Wed Nov 11 08:06:48 EST 2015

The Veterans’ Day ceremony location will be moved to the Falmouth High School Auditorium. Still at 11:00 a.m. The Auditorium entrance doors are to the left of the main doors to the high school and across from the Field House doors. All participants: please meet me at 9:00 a.m. (if at all possible) so we can figure out where everyone will be situated. Luckily the stage in the auditorium is quite large and we feel it will accommodate the participants. I plan on carrying on the ceremony in the same order as usual and as is shown on the agenda. There are 2 aisles leading to a set of stairs on each side of the auditorium and that’s where everyone will be proceeding to the stage. But we will figure it all out when we get together there tomorrow at 9:00 or as soon as you can be there. I will be there at 9:00 a.m. 

Sorry this is a bit of a challenge, but with the wind advisory and the rain we are concerned about public safety, as always. However, we want to put on a respectful and fantastic ceremony for all our veterans, their families and the community. Thank you for your patience and your willingness to rise to this challenge. 

P.S. Please, please, please, let everyone you know, know about this change. If anyone has a FB page, please post it. We are calling the media with the change. 



​ ​ From: "Julie Cramer" < Jcramer at falmouthmass.us > 

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