[Classifieds] Research into American Lobster Reproduction

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Mon Apr 17 13:00:28 EDT 2023

We are excited to share a new and interactive StoryMap highlighting research into the reproduction of the American lobster, a part of the Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative<https://track.robly.com/6d3d1508-5480-469b-80f7-077a6b12605a85a15fde8fe50fe4cfe58c34e1db235b> (ALI). WHOI Sea Grant Intern Simonne Dodge worked in collaboration with Sea Grant extension associates and researchers to develop the “Research into Reproduction<https://track.robly.com/6d3d1508-5480-469b-80f7-077a6b12605aed6517aeedfc99ff49e6aee759d7a2a0>” StoryMap, which highlights four ALI-funded projects examining the impacts of warming waters and changing water chemistry on lobsters’ ability to reproduce. It is the first in a series that will summarize all the research projects funded through the ALI. The ALI aims to increase the American lobster industry’s resilience to the biological, economic, and social impacts of ecosystem change in the Northeast.

Contact: seagrant at whoi.edu

Research into Reproduction: https://arcg.is/18iWHe1<https://track.robly.com/6d3d1508-5480-469b-80f7-077a6b12605aed6517aeedfc99ff49e6aee759d7a2a0>

ALI StoryMap Collection: https://arcg.is/1CHT1j<https://track.robly.com/6d3d1508-5480-469b-80f7-077a6b12605a268520da973a630f5dfab30c09f740f9>

Webstory: https://seagrant.whoi.edu/ali-reproduction-storymap<https://track.robly.com/6d3d1508-5480-469b-80f7-077a6b12605ab851157b96922f519f73f2dd438e1102>

Stephanie Murphy (she/her)

Sr. Communications Specialist

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant

MS #2

Woods Hole, MA 02543

samurphy at whoi.edu | 508.566.3055

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