[Classifieds] Learn about the latest research projects happening at the Waquoit Bay Reserve

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Mon Mar 11 15:48:16 EDT 2024

Learn about the latest research projects happening at the Waquoit Bay Reserve

research at the Reserve Series - Tuesday Evenings in March



Research at the Reserve

Tuesday Evenings in March


Join us each week for an informal evening learning about innovative research happening at the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Each session you will meet a local scientist who will share how they do their research, what they are discovering, and how it applies today. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.

Please register for one or all of the programs: www.waquoitbayreserve.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Jxp5HXuJIpCZTBcLpkMJudWz27aRZKX6DUyCL6h2iWLIr3n-A-mtRAxlsNLYqMt_bKxFumkP-pW_BqaYQMUiOtg3MPBqP8zmX9JktSfno_0SJd_-NDpHuBwLmzEV9OHNWV6aBXs9P7Egx62wJjC-Jt_KIEU6NFWn&c=jYHgxDzi6kw-3jnNRJOb7xmxU8j0kO0gzGE2nBECEc8itDocqy11Ow==&ch=V92E04zXb2oouWWBGPTvrZ3886hwTqQIruc68nYyeohnBz76RLuD_A==__;!!CPANwP4y!TbYkn6GLeom828KAHTnApkrEbO5RjtbQEF-n8bpZlldcsm48RjWc9mUUN2cXpIrAPGxCW0F7tg6Na5lPhQ9uuGhtUGmBGPh2Hthu$>




Salt Marsh Migration into Maritime Forests in the Northeast

Tuesday, March 12

6:30PM - 7:30PM

Learn about the impacts of sea level rise on salt marshes in the northeast and what is currently known about the process of marsh migration into forests. Research in Waquoit Bay and sites in New York and New Jersey has shown that plant communities in areas where forest is transitioning to marsh differ in species composition between sites, and that plant ability to survive tidal flooding also differs between sites. Find out what factors stress and shape plant communities in forest-marsh transition areas.

Andrew Payne, Ph.D. Candidate, Drexel University




In-Person Option: The Visitor Center will open at 6:00PM with light refreshments.

What is a Runnel and Can it Help Restore Our Salt Marshes?

Tuesday, March 19

6:30PM - 7:30PM

Salt marshes are experiencing accelerated changes due to sea level rise and other disturbances, which is causing extensive habitat loss. Areas of standing water on the marsh platform cause vegetation death and elevation loss. This has potential implications for important ecosystem services such as carbon and nitrogen cycling. In December 2023, we installed runnels, a restoration tool to help drain standing water and encourage revegetation and elevation gain in the marshes in the South Cape Beach area. In the coming years, we will monitor the effectiveness of the runnels.

Hillary Sullivan, Ph.D. Candidate, Northeastern University, NOAA’s Margaret Davidson Fellow at Waquoit Bay Reserve, Woodwell Climate Research Center




In-Person Option: The Visitor Center will open at 6:00PM with light refreshments.

Into the SWMP and BayWatchers


Tuesday, March 26

6:30PM - 7:30PM

Waquoit Bay NERR hosts two long-term water quality monitoring programs encompassing the whole bay and its tributaries: the national scale System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) and the local volunteer-based Waquoit BayWatchers. They are very different programs both in their structures and in aspects of their missions. Theo will dive into the details of both programs: the strengths and limitations of each dataset, how data from each of these programs have been applied in various projects from local to national scales, and where to find and access the data.

Theophilos (Theo) Collins, Research Associate, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Waquoit Bay Reserve Visitor Center

131 Waquoit Highway, Waquoit, MA

Please visit www.waquoitbayreserve.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Jxp5HXuJIpCZTBcLpkMJudWz27aRZKX6DUyCL6h2iWLIr3n-A-mtRAxlsNLYqMt_bKxFumkP-pW_BqaYQMUiOtg3MPBqP8zmX9JktSfno_0SJd_-NDpHuBwLmzEV9OHNWV6aBXs9P7Egx62wJjC-Jt_KIEU6NFWn&c=jYHgxDzi6kw-3jnNRJOb7xmxU8j0kO0gzGE2nBECEc8itDocqy11Ow==&ch=V92E04zXb2oouWWBGPTvrZ3886hwTqQIruc68nYyeohnBz76RLuD_A==__;!!CPANwP4y!TbYkn6GLeom828KAHTnApkrEbO5RjtbQEF-n8bpZlldcsm48RjWc9mUUN2cXpIrAPGxCW0F7tg6Na5lPhQ9uuGhtUGmBGPh2Hthu$>

to register or for additional information on our programs.

Questions? Contact joan.muller at mass.gov<mailto:joan.muller at mass.gov>.


Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Friends of the Waquoit Bay Reserve

MA Department of Conservation & Recreation

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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