[Physiofaculty] Physio '18 Welcoming Party

Physio Physio physio at mbl.edu
Sat Jun 9 16:49:59 EDT 2018

Good afternoon/evening Physio Faculty members,

I am emailing you all to inform you of tomorrow's first of many gatherings we will be having throughout the course!

If you will be in town tomorrow, Sunday June 10th, please join us in the course opening and welcoming party for all of our wonderful students and faculty.

Below you will find a detailed itinerary of the evenings events:

  *   5:00 pm, Lillie Auditorium
     *   Welcome & Lightning Talks

  *   6:15 ish, Lillie Lobby
     *   Pre-dinner meet & greet
     *   Light snacks/beer/wine

  *   6:45 pm, Swope Terrace
     *   Dinner, Eel Pond-side

  *   8:00 ish, MBL Quad
     *   Post-dinner party ft. music and ambience
     *   Light snacks/beer/wine

Looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow, and let's have a great time this summer!

- Matt

Physiology Course Assistants

physio at mbl.edu

Loeb 352
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