[PhysioStudents] End of Course Info

Physio Physio physio at mbl.edu
Wed Jul 29 11:28:37 EDT 2015

Hello Everyone! 

Here is the breakdown of how the course will be winding down and coming to an end on Saturday . 

Schedule for Saturday : 

    * 9:00-12:00 am: Lillie Auditorium for group presentations. 
    * 12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch 
    * 1:00-2:00 pm: Lillie Auditorium for group presentations 
    * 2:00-4:00 pm : End of course lab clean up. In addition to cleaning your lab space we need help to put everything away for storage until next year. 
    * 6:00 pm : We will be having an End of Course Dinner at 6PM at the Swope Patio. 
    * 9:00 pm : At 9 pm there will be a final party in the Loeb 3rd Floor Conference Room 375. Once the party is over the course is over. 

Please make sure you have travel and accommodations figured out before you depart the next morning. 
Cleaning Up on Saturday : 

After the final presentations on Saturday everyone will return to the lab to clean up (but feel free to get a head start if you have free time). The King group will clean their area Friday night because we have to make this space available to the next course. 


Here is what is required: 

    * Please either throw out used materials that cannot be reused or put them back on their appropriate shelves. 
    * Please either throw out used materials that cannot be reused or put them back on their appropriate shelves. 
    * Items that are were purchased for your group should be inventoried on the sheets given to your group by temperature and given back to the CAs. 
    * Please dispose of used items in the appropriate fashion. If an item requires autoclaving please only operate the autoclaves if you have been trained by someone here on the correct procedure. 

Shipping Materials Home: 

If you have items you brought to the course and like to ship them back there are time restrictions on when they need to be shipped by. We have talked to the groups already but this is just a reminder. If you have cold items that are packed with dry ice or cold packs they need to be packed and ready to go by Thursday at 3 pm at the absolute latest. Room temperature items need to be packed and ready to ship by Friday at 3 pm at the latest. All items need to be securely packaged in a box that does not have any previous markings on the outside. We recommend turning boxes inside out. Please include a clearly printed out To-From label securely taped to the top of the package. Please indicate whether the contents are fragile, temperature sensitive, or contains dry ice when giving the packages to the CAs so the appropriate labels can be attached. Cold items will be shipped with one day shipping while the room temperature items will have two day shipping. 
It has been an honor working with all of you, we wish all of you a fruitful rest of your careers. 
The 2015 Physiology Course Facilitators (Team Awesome), 
Carolyn, Joe, Dan, and Adam 


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