[Xenopus] 2014 Xenopus White Paper

National Xenopus Resource xenopus at mbl.edu
Fri Mar 14 14:26:25 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues, 

The 2014 Xenopus White Paper, which was based on discussions from the PI meeting at MBL Woods Hole in August 2013, is now available for download from Xenbase. 


This White Paper highlights recent contributions of Xenopus research to the NIH’s mission, identifies emerging opportunities for the Xenopus system and outlines the Xenopus community’s priorities for further NIH support. Based on the consensus from the meeting, the prioritized needs of the community are: 

1. Renewal of the National Xenopus Resource center (NXR) 
2. Renewal of Xenbase, the Xenopus bioinformatics database 
3. Xenopus genome improvement 
4. Improvement of Xenopus antibody resources 
5. Improve Genome Editing Resources (TALEN/CRISPR) in Xenopus 
6. Enhancement of transgenic resources 
7. Functional characterization of the genome - XvivoENCODE 
8. Continued support for Xenopus training and meetings 

Overarching goal for Xenopus : Facilitate the use of Xenopus to model human disease 

PIs: Please reference the White Paper in your NIH grant proposals and contact your program officers. 

Many Thanks, 

Marko Horb, MBL Woods Hole 

Aaron Zorn, Cincinnati Children’s 

Julie Baker 
Daniel Buchholz 
Sally Moody 
Dan Rokhsar 
Sergi Sokol 
Gert Veenstra 
Mustafa Khokha 

Marko Horb, Ph.D. 
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR) 
Marine Biological Laboratory 
7 MBL Street 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 

Email: xenopus at mbl.edu 
Office: 508-289-7627 
Cell: 508-564-3764 


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