[Xenopus] Looking for VegT Antibody

여인철(생명과학과) arcmage at postech.ac.kr
Tue Feb 4 01:48:10 EST 2020

Dear Xenopus commuinty,

We are looking for X.laevis VegT antibody. Does anyone have VegT antibody?

Or Does anyone know an antibody for other species which can detect 
Xeonpus VegT?

Thank you.

Jin-Kwan Han, Ph.D.

Dean of Science
Head, Department of Life Sciences
Director, BK2 PLUS Program of Bio-Molecular Function
Pohang University of Science and Technology
77 Cheongam–ro, Namgu, Pohang, Korea
Tel: +82-54-279-2126
E-mail: jkh at postech.ac.kr

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