[Xenopus] 3rd European Amphibian Club - Abstract deadline approaching (June 3rd!!)

Kris Vleminckx kris.vleminckx at irc.ugent.be
Tue May 31 04:40:04 EDT 2022

Hi all,

do not forget to register and send in you abstracts for the 3rd European 
Amphibian Club *this week*!


Remember, PhD students can attend for 280 Euro (130 registration + 150 
Euro housing) with *EVERYTHING *(bed, meals, drinks, conference dinner, 
...) included!


Kris Vleminckx, PhD
Ghent University
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology
Technologiepark 71
9052 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 33 13 760
Email:Kris.Vleminckx at irc.ugent.be
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