[Xenopus] Integrating transgenes in safe harbor locus

Kris Vleminckx kris.vleminckx at irc.vib-ugent.be
Mon Oct 28 10:31:49 EDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

as I mentioned in the last XRET meeting (for those who attended) we are 
planning to introduce an *integration/exchange cassette in a safe harbor 
locus* in Xenopus. The idea is that a line containing this cassette can 
be used for locus-controlled single-copy integration of transgenes.

In the vector we intend to introduce *LoxP *and *FRT *sites for Cre and 
Flp recombination mediated cassette exchange (*RMCE*) but will also 
include a *I-Sce1, PhiC31* and *Bxb1* integration site.

1) Are you thinking about other sites/sequences that should be included?

2) Concerning use of fluorescent reference gene, I was wondering whether 
next to GFP, there are other fluorescent proteins that have good 
antibodies that are compatible with methanol fixation?

Thanks for your answers at *Kris.Vleminckx at irc.ugent.be*


Kris Vleminckx, PhD
Ghent University
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology
Technologiepark 71
9052 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 33 13 760
Email:Kris.Vleminckx at irc.ugent.be
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