[Classifieds] [classifieds] Monarch Raising Tutorial - Saturday, Aug 2 @ 10a-12p; Waquoit Congregational Church-FREE Admission! Learn how to raise a monarch butterfly in your home!

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Tue Jul 29 11:32:19 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----

From: "Paul Rifkin" <paulrifkin at comcast.net> 

Monarch Lovers, 

We are having a one-hour tutorial this coming Saturday, August 2, 4-6pm at the Waquoit Congregational Church which will teach participants how to raise a monarch butterfly in their home 
(or school or church.) The instructions will explain how to make or purchase a "cage", 
where to find milkweed on the Cape, how to identify a monarch egg and how to feed the resulting caterpillar. 

This would allow up-close viewing of the entire metamorphosis of this beautiful creature--- 
from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly which would then be released to the wild 
to either reproduce or migrate back to Mexico for the winter. 

FREE admission! 


Monarch Project of Cape Cod 

Paul Rifkin 
paulrifkin at comcast.net 
home: 508.419.1154 
cell: 508.737.9545 

[image/jpeg:Monarch Raising Tutorial Flyer 3.jpg] 

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