[Classifieds] [classifieds] French high school intern this summer?

MBL Classifieds classifieds at lists.mbl.edu
Thu Feb 25 13:06:33 EST 2016

----- Original Message -----

From: "rbeinart" <rbeinart at whoi.edu> 

A family friend will be hosting a French high school student this summer on the Vineyard (she is the host sister of their daughter, who spent a year in France). She is interested in finding a biology or chemistry internship at WHOI or the MBL for the four weeks she is on MV. If you have interest in hosting a French high school student intern, please let me know. I’ve pasted her email below, and attached her CV. Even if she comes over a few times to help with field work, or basic things like doing dishes (pouring plates, etc), that would be fine. 

-Roxanne Beinart- 

My name is Emma Combasson and I am addressing this email to you after Brendan Bryan’s recommendation . As you may know, I am looking for a volunteer job for next summer and I would like to apply as a research assistant at WHOI. 
I am seventeen and am currently a student in an international French high-school : half of my courses are in english. I am doing scientific studies which give more importance to maths, physic, chemistry and biology (advanced level). Indeed, sciences had always interested me and I would like to pursue in the medical field as a surgeon. It would be the opportunity to satisfy my interest in people and the one I have in sciences. 
I don’t have much experience as a worker but I have done two working experiences as an assistant. Both of them were in the medical field. I was firstly a medical surgeon assistant : it gave me the opportunity to see surgery and to follow nurses in their daily activities with the patients. A year later, I helped a physiotherapist in her work. Both were very good experiences and it confirmed my plans for the future. It also helped me to understand what a good assistant is. On the one hand, there is the necessity of being aware, of keeping your calm and of being conscientious. On another hand, you need to be able to take initiatives and to make yourself useful. 
As my courses are both in french and in english, I have got a good knowledge of the language. Furthermore, I had the chance to travel as an exchange student a few times, in Australia and in the United States. It helped me to improve my understanding and my speaking, and at the same time, made me more independent and mature. 
I would be very happy to be a research intern in one of the WHOI laboratories. It would be a fantastic experience and would be a way to discover the world of scientific research. I should be on Martha’s Vineyard for 4 weeks, from early July to early August. I would like to make myself useful and use my free time wisely during that period. This is the main reason of my application. I hope that there can be some opportunities in one of your laboratories for a French high-motivated student. 
As I don’t know how many days a typical high school student intern work in the United States, I would be grateful if you could provide me these information. Brenda Bryan also told me that I could maybe apply to the MBL in the case there would be no opportunities for me at WHOI. Would you be able to advise me about it ? 
I would like to thank you for helping me achieving my internship project. I am very grateful for the consideration you will give to my application. If you need any other information, you can contact me on this mail address, 

Yours faithfully, 
Emma Combasson 

Roxanne Beinart 
NSF Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow 
MS #8 220 McLean Laboratory 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 
rbeinart at whoi.edu 

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