[Physiofaculty] DUE FRIDAY - Phyio Orders

Carolyn Ott ottcarol at mail.nih.gov
Wed Apr 29 09:40:09 EDT 2015

Hello All,

This is a friendly reminder that you need to submit ALL order requests to me by Friday. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Summary of Action Required: 

Send me one Excel file per faculty member (use the attached template).
Your LIMIT is $4,500
You can order anything from Promega for FREE
Check this Google Doc to see if the course has something before you order it (see below)
The deadline is May 1
Your order will be grouped with orders from other faculty members. If you delay, it effects everyone.
May 1 is my birthday and I will be very sad if I don’t hear from you.

Hello Faculty members and TAs!

Hopefully you have some great ideas about what you will be doing with students this summer.  We have amazing microscopes and other instruments lined up to come to the course. Now is the time to start thinking about the experimental details. These include small equipment, lab supplies, chemicals and all other reagents. It is a lot of work for the MBL staff to order hundreds of items so we need to compile these now and submit them to the MBL staff in order to ensure that what you want is there when you arrive. 

Attached to this message is an Excel template. Fill this in and email it me. Before you order anything, look at this Google Doc. Last year the Course Assistants undertook a gargantuan task. They inventoried all of the Physiology supplies, equipment and reagents. On this Google Doc you will find:

Tab 1: A list of all Chemicals and Supplies (room temp, 4˚C, and -20˚C) that the course had at the end of the year. Search this to see if we already have what you need
Tab 2: At the end of each session, PIs were given plastic bins. Here is a list of what was left in those bins
Tabs 3 & 4: These are lists of all items (catalog numbers etc.) ordered last year for your reference.

If you see something listed but you are in session 2 or 3 and you are concerned that might disappear before you get there, let me know and we can set things aside or make arrangements to order more.

The $4,500 limit is real. If you go over it, I will email you and tell you to reduce the total. Hopefully the detailed information about what we have will help reduce the items you need to purchase.

 Email me with any questions. 

Thank you and see you this summer!


Carolyn M. Ott
Staff Scientist 
Section on Organelle Biology

35 Convent Drive
Bldg. 35A, Room 2F-103
Bethesda, MD, 20892-3758, USA

301-496-5523 (desk)
301-402-1010 (lab)
301-402-9319 (fax)
carolyn.ott at nih.gov 

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