[Physiofaculty] Physiology course Field Trip June 18

Marshall, Wallace Wallace.Marshall at ucsf.edu
Tue Jun 16 13:22:42 EDT 2015

Dear Faculty and TAs, 
   As many of you know, we are planning a field trip this thursday for the stuents, consitingn of a ride on the Gemma during a dredging run so the students can experience woods hole from the water and see the real world of marine biological sample collection.   Because the boat can only handle at most 25 people at a time, but we have 27 students, we're arranged to do two trips.   That means we have extra space on the boat for both trips, and so I wanted to give anyone who is interested the opportunity to sign up for one of the trips.   If you are interested please let me know if you would prefer to go on the first trip (meet at the dock at 8:15 am, boat departs at 8:30, returns at 10:00) or the second trip (meet at the dock at 10:15, boat leaves at 10:30, gets back at noon).  We'll try to make sure that everyone who wants to go, gets to go, but if not we'll do first come first served.



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