[Physiofaculty] Gemma field trip signup

Marshall, Wallace Wallace.Marshall at ucsf.edu
Mon Jun 27 14:48:25 EDT 2016

Dear Physiology Faculty and TAs,
    This week on thursday, instead of a morning lecture, we will be going on a field trip on board the Gemma.  This is the MBL collection boat, which goes out and collects all the amazing marine organisms that the MRC provides for research and educational purposes.  Last year we did a trip on the Gemma and we found it very enlightening, not to mention a lot of fun.  
    Because we cant fit everyone in our course onto the boat at once, we will be going in two trips.  the first trip leaves the dock at 8:30 and returns at 10, and the second leaves at 10:30 and returns at noon.   in both cases, we are required to be at the dock 15 minutes before departure (so, 8:15 for the first trip and 10:15 for the second).   
     I am compiling a list of which faculty and TAs will go on which trip, which I will do on a first come basis, so please send me your preference as soon as possible.   both trips will be identical in terms of where the boat will go and what you would see, the only difference is the timing.   if you don't have a strong preference, please let me know that as well.  If I don't hear anything by midnight tonight I will assume that means you don't have a strong preference.


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