[Xenopus] PI Meeting - Things to Do

Khokha, Mustafa mustafa.khokha at yale.edu
Fri Aug 29 22:42:02 EDT 2014

Thanks for everyone that participated in the PI meeting at the end of the Xenopus Meeting at Asilomar.

I thought I would send a list of action items we discussed at the meeting.
Wonderful to see you all.

Please write three letters of support.
Letter should be brief and state that each resource saves costs to your grants and increases your productivity.
Funding leads to less overall cost!  Specific examples are extremely effective and will be used by James Coulombe in his summary to leadership at NICHD.

#1 - Support for NICHD to continue to co-Fund NXR, send to Marko Horb at the MBL
mhorb at mbl.edu

#2 - Support for NICHD to provide Xenbase with bridge funds until renewal - Send to Aaron Zorn
#3 - Support for NICHD to renew Xenbase - Send to Aaron Zorn
Aaron.Zorn at cchmc.org

Identify White Paper Priorities.
Very preliminary list
1. Renewal of ORFeome
2. Gene Editing to create disease models
3. Continued annotation of Xenopus genomes and support.
4. Xenopus specific Antibodies.
Please send additional white paper items or Community Resource ideas to:
Mustafa Khokha - mustafa.khokha at yale.edu
Sally Moody - samoody at gwu.edu

Inclusion of Xenopus
if you find websites, meetings, resources that include model organisms but not Xenopus, email them and tell them to include Xenopus.  Also email Mustafa and Sally and we will contact them and strongly encourage them to include Xenopus.  We can also mobilize the community to write them and ask for inclusion.

Write reviews and commentaries about the power of the frog.
Serve on editorial boards, serve as reviewers, serve on society boards.  Make frogs visible.
Advocate for Xenopus.

Mustafa Khokha
Associate Professor
Pediatrics & Genetics
Yale University School of Medicine
mustafa.khokha at yale.edu

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