[Xenopus] FW: American Society of Human Genetics

Marko Horb mhorb at mbl.edu
Tue Jun 6 07:23:53 EDT 2017

Hello Xenopus community
	I am forwarding you an email from Kris Vleminckx regarding the upcoming American Society for Human genetics Conference being held in Orlando October 17-21.


On 6/2/17, 10:20 AM, "Kris Vleminckx" <kris.vleminckx at irc.ugent.be> wrote:

    Dear colleagues,
    I am planning to attend the ASHG meeting this year (https://www.ashg.org/).
    It would be great if we could have a couple of Xenopus abstracts dealing 
    with human disorders in order to (hopefully) get some more exposure for 
    the model in the medical genetics community. Would you happen to have 
    any plans of attending?
    The deadline for abstract submission is June 7.
    Best regards,
    Prof. Kris Vleminckx, PhD
    Department for Biomedical Molecular Biology
    Center for Medical Genetics
    Technologiepark 927
    9052 Ghent
    Tel: +32 9 33 13760
    Fax: +32 9 22 17673

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