[Xenopus] 2021 International Xenopus Meeting - registration and abstracts

Matt Guille matthew.guille at port.ac.uk
Wed May 5 07:27:21 EDT 2021

Hello Everyone,

Registration and Abstract submissions are open here or accessible via


The meeting will almost certainly go ahead as a "blended" conference, with
the option to attend either virtually or in person. If the UK government's
programme to re-open the country as CV19 comes under control takes place as
expected then we expect to offer accommodation packages to those who have
registered for the virtual conference at around the end of May.

We look forward to seeing you (either over video or possibly in person) in

IXC organising committee


Matt Guille
Professor of Developmental Genetics
University of Portsmouth

T: 02392 842047 E: matthew.guille at port.ac.uk
W: port.ac.uk/school-of-biological-sciences/staff/prof-matt-guille.html

University of Portsmouth, King Henry building, King Henry I Street,
Portsmouth, PO1 2DY
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