[Xenopus] MISC

Leon Peshkin peshkin at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 23:45:05 EDT 2020

Dear Colleagues !

I have a few general questions and tried posting to Slack "Xenopus
Community" without success. People - Slack is a nice way to keep
discussions going, please use it !

Has someone worked out a way to make animal caps en masse ?  I did hear the
gastromaster legend and even obtained one with a few tips … but it does not
really work in my hands. Any other devices ?  Please do not tell me to just
bite the bullet. I'd like to be able to cut many hundreds.
   There are a couple of animal cap instructional videos with forceps but I
know many people use other techniques. Would be nice to have more videos.

Does someone have a protocol and experience for blood perfusion in Xenopus


   - L. Peshkin
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